
Personal musings. Views are my own.

Stank you very much

This past Thursday, I woke up at about noon, trying to take advantage of the day off I had for Thanksgiving, and recoupe from the All Natural show I checked out the night before. Although it was a normal day when I arose, Thursday night was a momentus evening among the extended Trivedi family household.

After I woke up I showered up, then headed to Caputo’s with the moms. Picked up a bunch of herbs I’ve never used before—like sage, marjoram, celery seeds—and about 4 pounds of tofu. After I got home, I mashed up all the tofu, squished it into a strainer-bowl thing, put a plate and a gallon of milk resting on top of it and let is sit in the fridge for about 2 and a half hours. Meanwhile, watched the bears finished getting wailed by the cowboys, and cut up some vegetables—celery, mushrooms, onions, and garlic. I sauted the vegetables for a bit, added a bunch of dried bread, and the herbs.

After I took the bowl of tofu out off the fridge, I hollowed it out til I was left with a one-inch bowl of tofu. Dropped some of my stuffing in there, covered it up with the tofu I scooped out, flipped it onto a baking sheet, and ‘viola’ as they say. I had on my kitchen table a Tofu Turkey. It’s on.

I basted it with sesame oil, soy sauce, jalepeno mustard and a bit of orange juice a few times while i let it cook for about two hours. But in the end, my family for the first time in our lives, had something kind of comparable to a turkey on Thanksgiving. Damn, when I put it that way, it doesn’t sound so momentous. But with all the dramatic Star-Wars-ish music you guys were humming in your head while you were reading this, I’m sure you got the same effect I did. It’s on. Lol.

Wednesday night checked out All Natural at The Metro. It was tight, lots of local hip hop. But Cap D took the show, as usual, with his brand of conscious hip hop. Tight, tight shit.