I'm the Director of Engineering at a museum in Chicago as well as a facilitator, educator, and community builder. My experience planning and executing complex web projects has also brought me to work with institutions to create concrete plans around the healing and accountability from historic traumas like colonialism, slavery, genocide, and war. I'm a regular contributor at The Incluseum and is a project advisor for MASS Action. My writing has been featured in the Journal for Museum Education, Fwd: Museums, and Model View Culture.
Visitors of Color
In addition to the above video, you may know me by my work as co-creator of the Visitors of Color blog, where we document the experiences of people from marginalized communities who visit—and don't visit—museums.
Check it out on TumblrOppression: A Museum Primer
You might also know me by an article I wrote titled Oppression: a museum primer where I define and discuss how to recognize and dismantle oppression. Over the years, it has become a fundamental article in museum activist spaces.
Check it out on The IncluseumRecent Projects
Immigration, the Civil Rights Movement, and my existence
August 2020For the Art Institute blog, I wrote an article linking immigration, the Civil Rights Movement, and art created at the time by Black artists through my parents’ immigration stories. It was a way to ground the Black uprisings this summer in a long history of organizing in response to racial violence, and it was also a sweet way for me to document my parents’ stories as their memories are getting fuzzy.
Check it out on artic.eduUncovering white supremacy culture in museum work
March 2020Along with a few museum friends Hannah Heller and Joanne Jones-Rizzi, I wrote an article describing the ways white supremacy culture operates in museums. Drawing from Kenneth Jones and Tema Okun’s work that names the cultural attributes of White supremacy in organizations, we took a few of the characteristics that resonated strongly in our work as educators and community builders and unpacked what they specifically look like in museums and what their impacts are.
Check it out on The IncluseumData Hub at the Art Institute of Chicago
November 2019As part of the artic.edu website redesign, we created a central data repository for all of our public content that can feed the website, our mobile apps, in-gallery interactives, and an eventual public API. Our Data Hub collects all our public data in one place, serve it all up through a uniform API, and make the content collected from all our platforms searchable in a single place. Watch a talk I gave about the project at MCN 2019.
Check it out on YouTubeIntersecting Agile and the Antidotes to White Supremacy Culture
November 2019I organized a conference panel discussion along with a few colleagues from the Minneapolis Institute of Art exploring how Scrum—an established framework for addressing complex adaptive problems across industries— could be applied to counteract white supremacy culture in our organizations. We had a really rich discussion and got a lot of great feedback. For confidentiality, we didn’t record the session, but you can check out some live tweets that were made during the session here.
Check it outAwards and Honors

Gender Equality Award, United Nations Women
Education & Training Volunteer of the Year, Rape Victim Advocates